Family Business Advisory
About Family Business Advisory
We advise family owned businesses in creating a roadmap to protect and preserve the family business over multiple generations while maintaining long term family unity and business continuity.
A family business involves the interplay of three components: family members who own and control the family business, owners who may comprise the family as well as outsiders, and the business itself. Managing family business dynamics requires delicacy and sensitivity to manage these complexities. The three components are the pillars of success for family businesses.
Family Office
Family Wealth Structure: To provide continuity of family business and preserve wealth with a centralized management of assets.
Family Council: To address matters impacting the family and its relationship to the business in a fair and equitable manner.
Family Governance: To create clarity and cultivate greater harmony between family members and smooth transitions between generations.
Intergenerational Touchstone: To establish a value system aligned to a family’s vision, core beliefs, mission and aspirations.
Investment Committee: To develop corporate investment objectives and policies on investing for long term wealth.